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11:42am - Aug 30 2024
Américo Jacomino (CANHOTO) - QUANDO OS CORACOES SE QUEREM, arr. D.Semenzato
This time a very interesting piece is continuing my playlists of CANHOTO and SEMENZATO - Fox-Trot &quotQUANDO OS CORAÇÕES SE QUEREM&quot. The title may be translated as &quotWHEN THE HEARTS WANT&quot.
Canhoto also used this melody in the piece (song) for the voice and piano &quotSUDAN&quot dedicated to his good friend Sabbado d&aposAngelo who owed the Fabrica of Cigarettes SUDAN in Sao Paulo. The lyrics of the song advertised the wonders of smoking SUDAN cigarettes. The covers of the very rare original piano edition of &quotSUDAN&quot are included in this video. Arrangement for guitar was made by Domingos Semenzato. Revised edition of the piece was made and published by Ivan Paschoito in the Publishing House LEGATO.

#AmericoJacomino #DomingosSemenzato #Fox-trot #QuandoOsCoracoesSeQuerem #Canhoto #AndreyShilov #classicalguitar #guitar #BrazilianGuitarMusic #Sudan #LatinamericanGuitarMusic #UkrainianGuitarists #GuitarVirtuosos #rare #BestGuitarArrangements
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