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hello, im joseph. im a great song creator, composer, music video, artist (a drawer), streamer, and a coder. still working on coding in school trying my best using github to achieve my company is minmingle im still working hard on my site (might take years) but im a middle schooler working hard on this dream though. and YouTube hates kids :( but is better i get better views and im still working on getting more money. new update yes my hair is blonde if you ask me that i just wanted a good style so yeah empty room moving out of my house yes i will have a video of me moving out its coming out soon so thank you for the support and follow me for more and enjoy!
United States
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hello, im joseph. im a great song creator, composer, music video, artist (a drawer), streamer, and a coder. still working on coding in school trying my best using github to achieve my company is minmingle im still working hard on my site (might take years) but im a middle schooler working hard on this dream though. and YouTube hates kids :( but is better i get better views and im still working on getting more money. new update yes my hair is blonde if you ask me that i just wanted a good style so yeah empty room moving out of my house yes i will have a video of me moving out its coming out soon so thank you for the support and follow me for more and enjoy!
United States
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