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12:03pm - Sep 8 2022
National Anthem of SWEDEN, arr. Andrey Shilov
SWEDEN ANTHEM continues the project &quotHYMNS OF BROTHERLY COUNTRIES&quot arranged for guitar by Andrey Shilov. “Du gamla, Du fria” (English: You are ancient, you are free) is actually the Swedish national anthem, the national symbol of Sweden. Although there is no mention of a national anthem in Sweden&aposs constitution, &quotDu gamla, Du fria&quot is performed at official ceremonies and sporting events. The song began to be used as a national anthem in the 1890s. It is assumed that the official recognition of the anthem took place in 1866, although there is no official mention of this fact. In 2000, the Riksdag refused to recognize &quotDu gamla, Du fria&quot as the national anthem, stating &quotthere is no need&quot. The hymn was written by Richard Dybeck, a researcher of oral folk folklore, to an ancient melody in 1844. In the first version, instead of &quotDu gamla, Du fria&quot it was &quotDu gamla, Du friska&quot (you are ancient, you are healthy). In 1865, the future anthem was first published in the collection &quotSelected Swedish folk songs&quot. In fact, the song became an anthem, not because of official recognition, but because of the Swedes&apos understanding of their national identity. The national flag day incident, when King Oscar II rose from his seat while the song was played, is believed to have played a significant role in the anthem&aposs recognition. The last two stanzas were written by Louise Allen in 1910. They are rarely performed.

#RichardDybeck #AndreyShilov #DuGamlaDuFria #classicalguitar #guitar #SwedishAnthem #UkrainianGuitarists #GuitarVirtuosos #rare #LouiseAllen #HymnsOfBrotherlyCountries #NationalAnthemOfSweden #BestGuitarArrangements
Media from Andy Pajarillo
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